Balance impacts physical, emotional and mental well-being.
It is totally important for career and family life. Less stress lowers the risk of burnout and a greater sense of well-being. Balance feeds stability.
Our common needs are rest, food and water. We also need purpose, relationships, connection and meaning. We may have a reluctance to take time for ourselves. A fear we won’t have time to take care of family or get something important done for work. Taking intentional time is the fuel to provide energy to others. However, we need to take time to structure our lives. In doing that we gain feelings of accomplishment, belonging, acceptance, respect and status at work.
In our personal life, we need to follow our values.
This way, we will grow and make a difference to those that surround us. In family life, the relationships we have with blood relatives and any others in this circle will give life profound meaning. When our values are aligned with our actions, we can achieve a centeredness and calm as well as a great fulfillment.
Why is this so difficult for women?
Because they often do not know themselves well enough to generate conditions that will produce life balance. They don’t know WHO they are ; really are. First unravel the mystery of yourself, and then you can focus on the life you want.
It starts with passions within you
As well as obstacles, things you don’t like doing, beliefs and values; your integrity part. Also, talents you possess and priorities what are the most important things to you. You need to maximize the passions, beliefs, talents and priorities and avoid as many obstacles as you can.
Short tips:- If you want something you’ve never had, you have to do something you’ve never done.
- Your future needs you, not your past.
- 20% of every workday is spent on important things. While 80% is spent on things that have little value. Live that statistic.
- If you want something you’ve never had, you have to do something you’ve never done.
- Your future needs you, not your past.
- 20% of every workday is spent on important things. While 80% is spent on things that have little value. Live that statistic.
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